On 06/07/2015 03:25 PM, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
On Sun, 2015-06-07 at 15:16 -0700, Kay Schenk wrote:
If I choose to do a fresh install of CentOS 6 with "replace existing Linux systems", will it also wipe out my /home directory? In the past when I've done this with another Linux distro, /home was not affected.
Or, would I need to do "fresh" install and then muck with partitioning using a Custom Layout? Right now, it's kind of looking like the latter to me, and if so, will I lose data?
I spent some time on the Forums and reading the RH documentation, but, no real answers to this specific question.
Thanks for any help.
Yes it does replace your home directory. When I do a fresh install, I back up my home directory on a usb drive and then copy it back after the install. I think you can also 'muck' with the partitioning, but I have always taken a more conservative route.
Good Luck!!!
Thanks for the quick response! I don't like it but thank you! :)