How about the other Linux OS? Feodora is able to serve AD?
Regards Adriatik Allamani
On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 09:41 +0200, Andreas Rogge wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 25.07.2007, 09:05 +0200 schrieb Adriatik Allamani:
Thanks a lot for the help.
Actually I am interested in using CentOS as Server for the AD and not to join the CentOS to AD.
I'm really sorry to tell you, but CentOS is unable to serve something like AD. The only thing that CentOS can do is serve a NT 4.0 style domain with Samba, but that lacks many of the AD-Features. For example you won't get kerberos or a real directory service. There is actually a method to run group policies with samba, but this requires a software that must be licensed for every windows pc.
If you're sure that you only need the NT4-features you can migrate, however I don't think you can use CentOS/samba as a drop-in replacement, because you'd have to rejoin the domain so the clients realize it isn't AD anymore.
Regards, Andreas Rogge
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