Hello Alain,
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 01:57:54PM +0100, Alain Péan wrote:
Le 08/01/2014 11:54, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
Red Hat wants their paid platforms to continue to be successful, they therefore want their community projects to be successful.
I am a little bit dubious about that. Why would they sell RHEL, and give away the same thing, CentOS, just recompiled from sources ? The only thing I can see in this way is that Red Hat is mainly selling support, but why in this case don't give RHEL for free ?
The more stability to have from Open Source, the better product and happy customers you have for RHEL.
So Red Hat has huge support for Open Source, including CentOS. But you are right, Red Hat is also stright on having paying customers stay with RHEL and they do not give away their base RHEL product for free.
At least, I fear CentOS will lose its independance.
This is for sure, Red Hat has taken over. It is not a cooperation on infrastructure or similar, but kind of the "community of CentOS" to move into Red Hat proper...
best regards,
Florian La Roche