Hello all; Has anyone installed samba4 from sources (samba-4.12.3.tar.gz) on CentOS 7? I explain the problem: to install samba-4.12.3 you need to install a version equal to or greater than 3.4.7 of gnutls; this (gnutls) depends on nettle and gmp. I am trying to install gnutls-3.6.14; I already have gmp (gmp-6.2.0) and nettle (nettle-3.6) installed (compiled from sources), but gnutls doesn't want to install, it tells me "Libnettle 3.4.1 was not found" when I run the ./configure
Nettle is installed in /usr/local/include/nettle (all .h) and in /usr/local/lib64/libnettle.s0.8.0
I created a symbolic link for /usr/lib64 from /usr/local/lib64/libnettle.s0.8.0 as libnettle.so and libnettle.so.8; I ran the gnutls ./configure again, but it keeps saying it can't find libnettle 3.4.1
How can I do? Has anyone got CentOS 7 and samba-4.12.3 installed and fixed this situation?