On Oct 22, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Niki Kovacs contact@kikinovak.net wrote:
Is it possible to configure persistent desktop icons, e. g. shortcuts that users can't delete ? On most of my client desktops, I have some home-made shortcuts, like here for example :
The shortcut on the lower left corner of the screen launches the public library management system.
Most of the users are quite computer-illiterate, and more often than not, they tend to erase these shortcuts (and then call me panic- stricken at 07:00 in the morning :oD).
To configure the shortcuts themselves, I just edit a .desktop file by hand. I tried various combinations of chown and chmod, but to no avail. Even if there are minimum access rights, the thing can still be erased with a right click.
Now I vaguely remember that a standard openSUSE install has something like persistent desktop shortcuts (for the SUSE help center or something like that), and I wonder: how do they do it ?
Any suggestions ?
Look under /usr/share/(apps,applications,...) there should be a directory called Desktop that is used for both KDE and Gnome, part of the freedesktop initiative (like LSB for Linux GUIs).
# find /usr/share -t d -name Desktop -print