m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
People don't even come to me with windows questions anymore because I'm so out of touch with it. Only so many brain cells and I'd rather spend them on more valuable things(networking, storage, virtualization, HA, scalability etc)
Well, there's always java, in spite of the damage Red Hat has done to it by shipping a broken imitation for years. Maybe hardware has gotten to the point where the overhead doesn't matter.
No. It matters. And I don't care what version of java, I really dislike it, because *it's* broken; or, rather, it failed at what it was supposed to do: a) solve the software backlog,
You can't do that with companies shipping broken or non-standard implementations. There's not much reason to continue that now.
and b) it supposedly guaranteed no null pointer references, and useful error messages.
Ummm, programmers are clever enough to work around guarantees in most languages.
It did not solve the backlog, and after the huuuge stack traces and usually unhelpful error messages.... And it eats memory, including the Sun implementation. It's just Pascal w/ p-code, revived.
Memory is cheap - thats the last thing to consider these days. Being able to farm out arbitrary chunks of processing across platforms is priceless... But you do have give up the unix-y idea that it is quick and cheap to start a new process.
Look at stuff like OpenNMS with distributed monitors, or Hudson as a distributed build/test platform, or lucene/solr, or the pentaho analysis tools. How else can you do any of those things?