On 13/07/2017 14:38, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
Am 13.07.17 um 14:46 schrieb Pete Biggs:
I have a vsftp server and two users for up and download.
If user Alice uploads a file, the owner is set to Alice as expected "-rw-r--r-- alice ftpuploadgroup"
Now Bob can login to the same folder and is able to rename the uploaded file.
Bob can also rename an uploaded folder, but can't rename a file in that folder ....
I'm confused, as I don't get why this is possible at all.
What are the permissions and ownership on the directory the uploads go in? If its group is 'ftpuploadgroup' and has group write permissions than any member of that group can rename files in that directory. If a user creates a directory, then that will have rwxr-xr-x permissions so they won't be able to rename files within that directory.
The permissions for the upload folder are drwx-wx--- and the owner is Bob group is ftpuploadgroup
Alice is member of that group, but should only drop files in.
The files are ownd by Alice, and I'm bit iritated, taht Bob can rename tham ... as Bob only has read permision (from the group)
The files in a subfolder have the same permissions and Bob cant change tham...
Thanks for your feedback . /G
He does not have read only permission from the group. He is the folder owner and so can change things within that folder. You need to change the folder to something other than Bob. The sub dir does not have the same permissions. Alice is the owner.
What is the end goal you want. E.g. Bob and Alice and can upload, Bob can read files both he and Alice upload but Alice can only read her files. Perhaps we can suggest permissions that would do what you want?
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