I have alot of kickstart and scripting going on as I provision lots of machines, and every now and then I run into a pesky machine or three that's still got that Adeptec zero-channel RAID card sitting on the board. Normally I like to rip it our and throw something more robust in, but if it's a cache machine or whatever, I leave it in.
It makes my kickstart file useless until I ask you, the list, how do I edit the kickstart file to tell the installer to add this driver and use it. If I don't, I get an error that says roughly "no suitable disk devices found to install on".
i'm calling kickstart like this (thanks to Joshua-Baker LePain's advice a while back)
linux ks=http://192.168.my.webserver/serverx.ks ip=192.168.whatever.ip netmask= gateway=192.168.x.1 dns=my.dns.server.ip
Is there a section I should edit just before this disks in the kickstart file are called to call and use the i20_block driver, or do I pass it as a parameter at the kickstart command line?