From: mswotr@hotmail.com To: centos@centos.org Subject: RE: [CentOS] SSH, SCP connections to remote MySQL Database using OpenOffice Possible? Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:33:49 -0400
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:12:31 -0400 From: hyclak@math.ohiou.edu To: centos@centos.org Subject: Re: [CentOS] SSH, SCP connections to remote MySQL Database using OpenOffice Possible?
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 03:08:19PM -0400, Therese Trudeau enlightened us:
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:27:28 -0400 From: hyclak@math.ohiou.edu To: centos@centos.org Subject: Re: [CentOS] SSH, SCP connections to remote MySQL Database using OpenOffice Possible?
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:38:34PM -0400, Therese Trudeau enlightened us:
>>> I can connect to the remote database via Linux desktop, it's just via an un encrypted connection through port 3306. For obvious reasons I don't want to do it that way. >> >>> My question is, is OpenOffice Calc able to connect to remote databases via SSH and or SCP? If so, do I need a plug in for that, or need to configure calc to do that in some way? How would I do this, or which plug in(s) do I need? >>> >> >> No, but what you could do is use an ssh tunnel to accomplish this. >> Something along the lines of "ssh -L 3307:database.example.net:3306 >> database.example.net" >> >> This will tell your system to tunnel the local port 3307 through the >> database box, TO the database box on port 3306. From this point, after >> you connect via ssh with the above command, you can simply point your >> database software to the local 3307 port in plain text, and it'll >> travel over ssh to the remote box. >> >> I've probably done a bad job explaining this, so I'll go get some more coffee. > > Hehe THANKS Jim I need some too! > > So when I "ssh -L 3307:database.example.net:3306", am I doing this via terminal prior to connecting with Calc (or base), > then start up base and enter in just the regular database.example.net into the "Server URL" field in Clac or base? > > Or do I need to enter "ssh -L 3307:database.example.net:3306" just once in to the "Server URL" FIeld from within OpenOffice Calc or VBase? >
You should enter localhost:3307. That connects to the local end of your SSH tunnel.
OK this is what I tried - I opened up terminal on my local desktop machine, and I issued the command: ssh -L 3307:domain.name.of.DesktopLocalMySQLserver:3306 username@domain.name.of.RemoteServer.
Then I started up OpenOffice Calc, clicked on File>New>Database, and in the area where it asks for the "ServerURL", I entered in: localhost:3307 and just below it where it asks for the port number I also entered in 3307 (the default is 3306).
The error I got was "Illegal Connection Port Value 3307:3307: and I could not connect.
I think what you really want is
ssh -L 3307:localhost:3306 remote.db.server
The host in the middle is relative to the end machine. You could also probably do
ssh -L 3307:remote.db.server:3306 remote.db.server
(for that matter, I don't see why you couldn't do ssh -L 3306:... as long as you don't have mysql running on your desktop)
OK so you are saying to enter into Terminal, either: ssh -L 3307:localhost:3306 remote.db.server , OR enter into Terminal: ssh -L 3307:remote.db.server:3306 remote.db.server and substitute in my remote server address for "remote.db.server"
Once I do that, what should I enter into the OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet Application Dialog box, in order to get the OpenOffice Calc local applicationwhich resides on my desktop machine to read the remote database?
Correct, that *should* work.
Sadly I can't get OpenOffice Calc to connect that way, I keep getting those “Illegal Connection Port Value 3307:3307” errors from Calc when I enter in “localhost:3307” into Calc open new database box.
I'm wondering if it's related to this problem - I was able yesterday to get OpenOffice 2.3 Calc to connect un securely just by using the default port 3306 – just did that as a one time test.
The problem I had when I did that though, was that when I open up a large table with 400 rows and maybe 25 columns in it (a table for products in an on line shopping cart), the scroll bars move through the table very slowly, and after a minute or two the table freezes up, as does OpenOffice, and I end up having to CtlAltDel and restart Open office.
From a different desktop machine running Windows 2000 however, I am able to connect to the very same remote database using Navicat via first tunneling through port 22 SSH and then connecting to port 3306 via the SSH tunnel, and I don't have this problem, I can scroll through and edit data very fast with no crashing. I'm wondering if the problem is with the way I have my Linux desktop configured?
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