On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 17:30, Carlos Santana neubyr@gmail.com wrote:
Is there any way to get absolute path in the diff o/p?
Well, yes, if you run "diff" passing absolute pathnames then (I believe) it will create a path with absolute pathnames... (It might not, considering that this is not very useful. GNU tar is an example of utility which transforms absolute into relative paths since relative is more useful than relative, although I don't believe diff does the same, the same logic would apply to it as well.)
However, I don't really see the usefulness of that since that would restrict you to patching on the same absolute path where you created the diff...
The purpose of "patch" is for others to be able to apply the same changes to their codebases, which can be located anywhere in the directory tree and not necessarily in the same path where you did it.
What exactly is the big problem of changing directories before you apply the patch?
HTH, Filipe