On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 19:16 -0700, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
well, I should thank you for the console init howto you submitted a while back which helped me alot. It was very clear and coherent, and helped me in my later scripting/ automation efforts.
there were a few funny replies where someone tried to do a comparative analysis of console servers vs. screen switches -but your response, and Rodrigo Barbosa's, both helped me in a pinch.
As for the stuck-up attitudes you tend to run across, just blow it off.
For every person they discourage, I help three. The one chap just communicates that way. Genotype x43a wouldn't have it any other way.
That was a direct piece from my firewall document. I don't mind helping people out when I can. What I *DO* mind, which you didn't do, is when people are jerks when you try to help them. Which is why I stopped paying attention to the people in the CentOS forums.
While, yes, I have my own Internet domain, I cannot afford the bandwidth necessary that hosting my document online could incur. A few people on the list couldn't seem to grasp that not everyone creating something for the "community" has deep pockets. As such, I chose to distribute it via e-mail and asked people to request it. Then I was accused of being nothing more than someone trolling for e-mail addresses. When I, understandably, stood up for myself I got accused of following "Microsoft practices". I'm still not sure what that meant.
Several articles have stated that Open Source, and specifically Linux, won't gain acceptance amongst "grand ma and grandpa" desktop users until the Linux community itself gets off of it's "high horse". That they alienate people due to their attitudes. Even having been a computer network engineer for over 20 years and a user of Linux since Red Hat version 5.x, they sure did a good job of alienating me from the forums; and it looks like people are trying to do the same with regards to the mailing list as well.
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 01:36 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
pctech@mybellybutton.com wrote:
For those of you that either have an older revision of my firewall
document, or are otherwise keeping track of it, there is a new version available. The current version of the document is version 3.1. It's changed rather significantly in some areas.
and who are you ? and what / where is your firewall doc ?
I am a CentOS user just like yourself. Nothing more and nothing less. My document was initially created for my own use, but after I got it to a sufficiently "useful" state, I figured that others in the Linux community might like it as well.
You probably haven't heard about it because I didn't "advertise" its availability in the mailing list. I "advertised" it in the forums, until people started accusing me of things that were uncalled for, and untrue.
Since I'd imagine that the people that did request it probably make use of these forums, I figured I would let them know that there was a newer version available, since I have abandoned the thread in the forums.
I mean, hell, if everyone in the list wants to give me the impression that neither myself nor my document is appreciated, that's fine. I will keep it all to myself.
So far, two of the three replies, yours being one of them, have left me with the impression that everyone in the CentOS community is the same as the jerks in the forum were. I try to do something to contribute to the community and I just get nothing but negativism.
It's no wonder that computer novices want nothing to do with Linux.
- KB
Frank Tanner III (pctech@mybellybutton.com)
ICQ: 1730844 AIM: KalokSundancer MSN: pctech@mybellybutton.com YIM: fbtanner
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CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos