On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Dan Hyatt dhyatt@dsgmail.wustl.edu wrote:
This is relatively unique. Cannot load a barebones OS because VMWares mouse does not map to the screen. So where the mouse pointer is pointing and the buttons are not mapped correctly making impossible.
Can't you resize the (virtual) console screen to match the geometry the installer is detecting? Or, if you can bring the network up on the guest, use the vnc install approach to control it from a remote screen: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/htm...
As this is a production environment where we don't have any http servers under my control, it gets interesting. Normal blades are installed via PXE from the other groups pxe server, the other group is not being helpful at this time.
Do you have any other equipment available, like a desktop PC? You could create a VMware image under any version (like the free vmware player) on any system that works. Then use the vmware converter tool to copy that image over to the system(s) where you want it to run.
If you really want a floppy image you should be able to use the mtools package like: mformat -C -f 1440 -v MYLABEL -i myfloppy.img to create it, then mcopy -i myfloppy.img myfile :: to put your file on it. See 'man mtools' for the details of using image files and ::