On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Henry Ritzlmayr fedora-list@rc0.atwrote:
nate wrote:
I don't bother changing the setting for local disks as it is usually pretty quick to scan them. You must have a pretty big and/or slow file system for fsck to take 2+ hours.
This particular server has 2x 500GB HDD's with failry "full" XEN VM's on it, each with it's own LVM volumes, so I guess it's a bit more complex than a normal ext2 system :)
Um, we've only got some cluster nodes with drives under 750G; most of ours have that, or 950G, and we're moving a lot to 1T, and some 1.5T. Then there's large raid arrays. They take a *while* to fsck. Unless I'm having serious disk problems, I've had to boot using fastboot as a kernel line parm for grub.