On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Kwan Lowe kwan.lowe@gmail.com wrote:
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Rudi Ahlers Rudi@softdux.com wrote:
This page might help: http://pikawarp.org/?p=139
Talks about setting entries in /sys/class/leds.
That's exactly what I want todo, but with drive cage LED's. Most hot swap drive cages have 2 LED's, so I need a more universal approach, i.e. irrespective of whether it's SuperMicro, Intel, HP, etc.
The page you suggested is very specific to the WARP devices, and by the looks of it they have a script that runs in those folders, which in turn interacts with the drive's circuitry.
but, I have yet to find a solution for generic Linux.
The actual process is similar on other devices.. If they have support it will show up in /sys/class/leds and you can enable them the same way. _______________________________________________
Yes, I get that. But, those embeded devices already has the software / scripts / code / etc included to contol the LED's. I can't find anything in a standard Linux installation todo the same. So I was hoping someone knows what they actually use?