On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Todd Cary todd@aristesoftware.com wrote:
I am running Centos 5.8; at least uname -rmi gives me centos-release-5-8.el5.centos
A CMS package is telling me that I need PHP 5.2x, however yum update says that I am fully up to date.
Is there a "safe" way to upgrade PHP to 5.2x?
Take a look at the IUS package repo: http://iuscommunity.org/pages/About.html
It's the one most people use to get PHP updates. Stay away from the official "php53" packages distributed with CentOS, as they don't integrate well with many packages looking for php (it does not "provide" the "php" capability)
❧ Brian Mathis