On 05/11/11 15:29, Olivier BONHOMME wrote:
Le 05/11/2011 16:19, Ned Slider a écrit :
On 05/11/11 14:40, Olivier BONHOMME wrote:
Le 05/11/2011 15:29, Ned Slider a écrit :
Please post your spec file to a pastebin for us to see.
Here it is : http://ares.ptitoliv.net/~ptitoliv/fusiondirectory.spec
Rather than making the Requires specific to a package:
Requires(postun): fusiondirectory>= %{version}
try making it specific to the script that needs to be run. For example:
Requires(postun): /full/path/to/script.sh
Thanks for you answer
Already tested and it is the same behaviour :(
After googling a little bit, I found this : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=448153
Could that explaing such an issue ?
Quite possibly, I don't know.
In which case, if such a bug does exist and is affecting you, I would place the script within %postun of each package that needs it rather than calling the script as a file that might have already been removed. This is better than simply testing the script exists before running it as if it doesn't then it doesn't get run and presumably that is not the desired outcome. There are many ways of working around such a bug.