On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 07:26:45PM +0200, Olaf Mueller wrote:
fred smith wrote:
While I haven't tried that,
I don't think that's the problem I'm having: I can copy and paste the URL of the .mov file into mplayer or vlc from the commandline, and get the exact same symptoms. I.E., there is no browser involved in that transaction but it fails the same way.
You are completely wrong. Read the link, or read it not, it is your choice.
ok, thanks for the kick in the rear. I looked, read thru the entries, checked out the bug report, installed the add-on, set up the user agent entry as described and voila.
Doggone those Apple folks. why would they be so stingy as to PREVENT people from using otherwise-compatible players from seeing the trailer? Just doesn't make sense in any way other than sheer meanness. I mean, what real business justification could there be?