Kai Schaetzl maillists@conactive.com wrote: I figured I try if I can mirror the base and updates repos locally. There's no tutorial for that, only one about creating your own repo of packages which is not the same. So, I just mirrored all the stuff with wget and changed the baseurl in the repo files and hoped that's enough. Works. So easy you don't need a tutorial.
I only have a comment about the base mirror. Instead of using the internet to make a base mirror (not sure you did it that way), you can use the CentOS-Media.repo
This works best if you have the DVD ISO #mkdir /mnt/C564 #nano /etc/fstab ----------- add at end ---------------- /path-to/CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso /mnt/C564 iso9660 ro,loop,async 0 0 --------------- unsnip -------------
now edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Media.repo and add to [c5-media] file:///mnt/C564
then you want YUM to ignore the [base] repo and use [c5-media] #yum search some-rpm --disablerepo=base --enablerepo=c5-media
now you have speed and still have all the default abilities of YUM
to find the RPM owner of [c5-media]: [tlviewer@hercules ~]$ rpm -qf /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Media.repo centos-release-5-0.0.el5.centos.2
My repo for C5 (mpryor-c5.repo) at http://www.tlviewer.org/centos -- Mark
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