On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 3:32 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Kwan Lowe wrote:
Wow, pretty nice... 24G in a desktop :) Remember when 2M was a big deal??
heck, I remember when 64k was a big deal.
64K? You had that much? I remember when, as a b'day present, my CoCo got upgraded (violating its warranty) from 16k to 32k....
Hehe.. My Vic20 had 5K..Didn't do much with it though.. When I got my TI-99/4A things changed.. I loved that machine.
Before that, I ran CP/M on a Z80 card in Apple IIe's and Franklin Ace 1000s (??? forget the exact model). It ran Borland Turbo Pascal from a 5.25" floppy :)
Hell, this is what I love about Linux... Makes me feel just as I did back then... Except now I'm running POVRay and Blender, crunching data for 1000 stock symbols ever 30 minutes, serving a PDF library of 2000 books (searchable)... pretty cool :)
mark "and I used magnets to program the 1's and 0's"
You had magnets?? :D