On 1/15/2013 1:18 PM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
pick a mirror that's close to you and trustworthy (ie stays up to date), and use that as your baseurl.
or build your own inhouse mirror, and aim the BaseURL at it instead. I use a script like this...
$ cat lftp.sh #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/lftp -c 'open ftp://mirrors.kernel.org && lcd /export/mirror && mirror --continue --verbose=1 -x ia64 -x s390 -x s390x -x alpha -x SRPMS centos'
(I'm pulling down all supported versions but not for itanic or alpha or s390 or source RPMs)
/export/mirror in turn is used as an apache vhost (as well as a nfs export), so my baseurl is http://mirror.myinternal.domain.com/centos/$releasever/cr/$basearch/
I cron that job once a week to update my mirror. I also use this mirror directly for nfs netinstalls.