William L. Maltby wrote:
I'll see if I can ID a plugin in the next pass.
The plugins themselves won't show up, in my case it just said firefox was using it. And I recall getting audio from flash earlier in the day so thought it still might be using it, and I happened to be right, after disabling the plugin the lock on the device was released.
Since nothing is using the sound device, I'm not sure what else to check, short of permissions, at one point a few years ago it wasn't uncommon for the permissions of devices such as sound devices etc to get automatically changed to the person logged in. Not sure what caused it or why, or if anything still does it anymore. But if your user doesn't have access to the device I would think similar behavior would occur.
So, check permissions on /dev/snd/* and /dev/dsp, another thing I do to test is run a command line program that generates a sound(I use mpg123 out of habbit which plays mp3 files), and see if you notice any permission denied type errors.