"Joseph L. Casale" jcasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
It really is as simple as I wrote out earlier, multiple servers ssh a background job at nearly the same time consisting of an rsync command. The destination host for this target gets overwhelmed with more than one at a time... <<
This isn't a complete answer, but a possible approach: I'd use a named pipe on the destination host. Here's a little experiment to demonstrate.
[user@dhost temp]$ mkfifo pipe [user@dhost temp]$ while true ; do ` < pipe` ; done
Now, in another xterm:
[user@dhost temp]$ echo date > pipe [user@dhost temp]$ echo 'ls -l' > pipe
You can 'echo' commands to the pipe in multiple windows; the while loop will only read and execute one command at a time off the pipe. You can see where this is going - now your multiple servers just ssh those echo commands to the destination host and the corresponding commands are executed.
I'll leave it to you to make it suitably robust if you go this way; you'll need to add some error handling, possibly signal handling, etc. but that's just standard shell scripting.
--- Les Bell [http://www.lesbell.com.au] Tel: +61 2 9451 1144