Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Rodrigo Barbosa wrote on Mon, 5 Jun 2006 15:37:26 -0300:
I keep my swap on, but set swappiness to 0. Been working great that way.
where do you set "swappiness"?
PS: I really wish people would stop top-posting.
Actually, if someone doesn't trim the quote I *much* prefer top-posting over endlessly scrolling to the end for reading a single sentence or two.
From what I gather from man swapon, the priority is a value between 0 and 32767, but which field in the /etc/fstab is the "options" field?
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0 LABEL=SWAP-hdb7 swap swap defaults 0 0
Which one do you add the pri=0 to set the swappiness ?
OTOH, if you turn swap completely off and the system needs more memory than is available, I would assume a kernel panic would ensue at that point, or something would die. Just guessing on that part.