On 08/11/10 08:30, ahmad riza h nst wrote:
i need to setup a mail server with postfix + dovecot + webmin + virtualmin + virtual user with linux system user. the virtual user may reach to thousands user from several hundreds virtual domains.
what i concern is large numbers of linux system user which used in these setup, is it good or bad? maybe somebody would share their experience about this setup ?
any links would be good.
postfix 2.6.7 dovecot 2.0.6 centos 5.x webmin + virtualmin
thank you.
Other that "centos 5.x", none of the rest is shipped by CentOS so you're unlikely to get much help here.
Also, please don't cross post the same question to multiple lists - you have an active thread on the postfix users list and most postfix users on this list will also be subscribed there too.