Multiboot is basically a PITA, the Ux sucks. Almost invariably you're better off figuring out how to navigate the firmware's boot manager to choose Windows vs Fedora vs CentOS; where you can use efibootmgr -o to get the bootorder such that the first entry at least is the one you usually want to boot by default. And then use the firmware's boot manager to pick something else as an exception. Although I sometimes find efibootmgr -n as a one time boot is neat.
If you want to standardize on a single GRUB boot menu that has all options available, this is basically total shit right now, you have to do it manually because between grub2-mkconfig and os-prober, they aren't smart enough to create the proper boot entries. It *should* be true that it'll create the proper boot entry for Windows, but only Fedora 24's GRUB supports Secure Boot chainloading the Windows bootloader, the CentOS one can boot the kernel with Secure Boot enabled, but can't chainload another bootloader with Secure Boot enabled. So the first step is you have to standardize on the Fedora 24 version of GRUB if you want to use Secure Boot and I can only advise that you do because generally I think it's bad advice to disable it.
Next, how to boot CentOS from the Fedora 24 GRUB menu? grub2-mkconfig and os-prober conspire to create wholly new CentOS boot entries rather than using the unique CentOS boot entries; and further if you do a CentOS kernel update, that'll only update the CentOS grub.cfg not the Fedora one. This is why this is such shit. What I do is disable os-prober entirely by adding GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER="true" to /etc/default/grub and then take your pick between /etc/grub.d/40_custom and /etc/grub.d/41_custom: the first one you just add the entry directly in that file, and the 2nd one you create a drop in cfg of your own called custom.cfg. It's probably a little more reliable to use 41_custom because any of these files can be replaced with a grub update.
So your menu entry should be something like this:
menuentry 'CentOS menu' { configfile /EFI/centos/grub.cfg }
Now grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
And what you ought to have if I didn't mess that up, is a CentOS item in the Fedora menu, and when you click that, it'll read and use the CentOS grub.cfg instead. Now you get all the custom CentOS boot params, and whenever CentOS gets a kernel update and updates its grub.cfg, you'll see those changes without having to do anything.
Chris Murphy