Frank Cox a écrit :
On second thought, a bash file calling zenity in a cronjob will be better. You can have zenity show any message you want in a window on the desktop and the only option available in that window can be "ok". kalarm would allow the user to change the alarm, and that's not what you want.
OK, I fiddled around with this, and here's what I got so far.
1) In an open GNOME session, when I launch GNOME terminal and type this:
$ zenity --info --text "Warning message!"
... I get exactly what I want.
2) When I put this line in a bash script (/usr/local/sbin/ and launch it from within Gnome Terminal, I get the same result (as expected).
3) But when I add it to crontab like this :
# crontab -e
15 22 * * * /usr/local/sbin/
... nothing happens at the given time (10:15 PM).
Any idea what's wrong here?