Of course, I had to compile the kernel so the nvidia installer could build its driver (couldn't find it on the site!), but my screen is now where it should be - 1280x1024, using the NVIDIA Generic (unknown) card.... It does some strange things, like leave a vertical bar when I left arrow at each stopping point in my gmail editor, but that clearsa as soon as I type something. So it's not perfect, but what a difference!
Thanks! Now I can actually use this thing!
On 3/18/07, Barry Brimer wrote:
Problem is, I can't get to init level 3. If I run 'init 3' from a root command line, it starts to go down, waits until I type something
then begins heading for init 3 and stops dead right after starting
The only way to revive it is to reboot.
After typing 'init 3' and X exits, hold down your 'Alt' key and press 'F1' to move to the first virtual terminal. If that doesn't work for you, reboot, and when grub comes up, append a '3' to the kernel line and for that boot only you will go into runlevel 3.