On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 10:42:52AM -0800, Todd Cary enlightened us:
Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 04:39:00PM -0000, Nigel Kendrick enlightened us:
-----Original Message-----
Tom Diehl wrote:
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Todd Cary wrote:
My version of Centos (4.4) comes with php 4.3.9. Since I run Interbase on the server, I need to recompile the php with Interbase. The only php I have found is 4.4 which I have downloaded and untarred as well as configuring it with Interbase, doing the make and make install.
Where I am lost is on having Apache (httpd) use it rather than the 4.3.9 ( ).
When I do the make install, where does it go?
Why not save yourself a ton of grief and rebuild the .srpm that came with your version of CentOS?
This is strange as I have downloaded PHP 4.4.x from PHP.net and recompiled it on about 5 CentOS 4.4. boxes without problems - once I had all the dependencies sorted :-) - I've got it down to about a 10 minute job now.
Assuming by "downloaded from PHP.net" you mean you got the tarball and did it, congratulations, you just ruined the entire point of a Package-Managed system.
See http://wiki.centos.org/PackageManagement/SourceInstalls for why you shouldn't do that.
Matt -
Though my skills as a System Administrator are very limited, I do want, if possible, keep a Package-Managed system. I do have the .src.rpm file for the PHP. What I need help with is how to recompile it (I assume that I would use rpmbuild) and REPLACE the currently installed version with the new version.
I think it was covered earlier in the thread, but the best way to do what you are proposing is to install the .src.rpm (which expands all the files, and more specifically gets you the php.spec file). Then you edit the php.spec file and add your line to the configure script, then rpmbuild -ba php.spec.