In article, Linux Advocate wrote:
i have installed mailscanner, spamassassin, etc on my machine. This was done sometime ago. Some of these rpms i got not frm centos repos.
What command ( or yum command ) can i use to find out which repo did this installled package come from.
yum info packagename just says;
repo : installed
i was hoping for something like repo:rpmforge or something similiar. i have these 3 rpms which i cant remember where i got them from.
dovecot-1.0.7-7.el5 mailscanner-4.74.13-2 spamassassin-3.2.5-1.el5
Yes, I have found this is a limitation of yum. It would be nice if the information about the source repository could be stored somewhere.
If these were installed after the initial OS installation, and you haven't done a yum clean, you might be able to glean some info from the cache: # ls -l /var/cache/yum/*/packages
This won't give you any information about packages installed using rpm directly instead of yum.
Cheers Tony