On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 09:31:20 +0800 Genghuang Wang wangtianjiao.wang959@gmail.com wrote:
Hello, Peter, thanks for your reply
- Huawei DOES change the distribution EULA, if type in the following
command: vi /usr/share/eula/eula.en_US you can see it changed to "HUAWEI EulerOS-2.0" which is a copyright one, let alone original GPL license.
That EULA may be meant to apply to Euler OS specific components or it's just a, likely incompatible, corporate legal boiler plate. Either way, it does not overide individual GPL components repective licenses.
According to CentOS Linux EULA The Distribution is released as GPLv2. Individual packages in the distribution come with their own licences.
Maybe someone from the CentOS project or Redhat can comment further on this. To me it seems they don't, at a first glance, use any CentOS specific things but rather rebuilds upstream RHEL in a similar manner to CentOS. If so then we're back to the license of all the individual components...
So the Distribution license is violated in this sense.
- GPL is a strong copyleft license, which means that any derivative
work to be open-source under the same GPL license, this to be prevent it from switching to some more permissive license. So release under a copyright license with the statement linking to "open source license",which is done by Huawei, is not allowed.
I'm well aware of what the GPL is. Clearly any rebuilt/modified packages/components with GPL license will still be GPL.
rpm query on EulerOS packages (sampled) does not claim Huawei license but seems to retain original GPL.
- Euler OS by Huawei does not have any public source code repository.
Well they don't have to. However they have to provide source upon request. Convenient src.rpm repo is going beyond what is required.
In the end I supose that's all it boils down to. Will they provide source if poked?