On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Trutwin, Joshua JTRUTWIN@csbsju.edu wrote:
I'm looking to setup a new CentOS box for a buddy of mine who wants to do hosting on a server via CoLo, Years ago I whipped up a CP of my own on a Debian box he colo’d running a basterdized qmail/tinydns and custom built httpd/mysql/etc (I was young). It worked ok but time to move on and I don't have time to maintain all those packages. I also don't have time to write another CP or port my PoS to it. I’m also just going to use the
Josh: I would suggest you create a thread like this, in one of the sub forums, on WebHostingTalk.com
I realize that your friend does not want to spend the $ for cPanel, which, BTW, has an excellent reputation for their Support. As an end user of Shared Hosting, now using cPanel, after 10+ years on Ensim Shared Servers, IMHO, cPanel is what your friend needs, to get more customers. If your friend is going to provide free web hosting, that's one thing, but if he is looking for clients who pay him, cPanel is the most popular CP out there. My interest is in the content of my web sites, and cPanel has things in it that I truly appreciate. GL Lanny.