Here's one for you if you have the time:
I very stupidly killed the wrong process on a server on a remote site on Friday and now I cannot ssh login to it! It's not a major problem as it's main functions are as a file and print sharer (samba) and to run postfix/mailscanner, and I can have someone on site reboot the server when they start work on Monday, but I was wondering whether I could 'get in' by other means to reboot it - so far I have tried the following without luck:
Simultaneous login requests to 'reach' a listening login as I think I've only screwed up pts0
A VNC connection to a machine on site and then using telnet (nope, telnet disabled)
A VNC connection to a machine on site and then a VNC connection to the server (VNC not running on this one).
Any suggestions to issue a remote reboot - as I said, it's not a major issue as I can have the server rebooted by someone on site.
Nigel Kendrick