Matt Shields wrote:
Because of the way that the infrastructure is (biz reasons) we are not doing shared storage, we have numerous IMAP servers that we distribute accounts across. As we add more users, we image up a new IMAP server. For our business's scaling purposes this was the best plan.
What I am having a problem is how do I get postfix to transfer the email to the particular IMAP server that the user account is on. I know that I need to use lmtp and transport, but all the examples I have seen show forwarding all email to 1 IMAP server. I would like Postfix to do a lookup for each mailbox and determine which IMAP server to deliver it to.
Having no idea how that fits into your already existing infrastructure, but the Cyrus IMAPD Aggregator (also known as Cyrus IMAPD Murder) looks like something which should be evaluated - you probably can even drop the mysql database, as it really doesn't matter to which of the lmtp/imapd proxies you connect to.
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