it gives me this
Feb 20 22:19:14 sanshiro named[3877]: starting BIND 9.3.3rc2 Feb 20 22:19:14 sanshiro named[3877]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf' Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: no IPv6 interfaces found Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: listening on IPv4 interface lo, Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0, Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: listening on IPv4 interface eth1, Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: could not configure root hints from 'root.cache': file not found Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: loading configuration: file not found Feb 20 22:19:15 sanshiro named[3877]: exiting (due to fatal error) ________________________________________________________________
go the the directory that root.cache should be in
im guessing that the commands should be like this
cd /var/named/chroot/var/named
dig . ns > root.cache
chown named:named root.cache
service named restart
and all should be well
- rh