On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 23:27, Paul Johnsonpauljohn32@gmail.com wrote:
Yes. If you get the release rpm files correct and fix your repositories, it will be OK. [...]
Instead of listening to people tell you they don't think it can be done, you should just try to make it work and see!
You really miss the point... The whole reason of using RHEL instead of CentOS is Red Hat's support. If you don't need or have their support, using RHEL is actually *worse* than using CentOS, as you won't have updates.
On the other hand, if you call Red Hat to ask for help to fix an issue and it turns out they find out you "upgraded" a CentOS into a Red Hat server, they will certainly refuse to help you (and would be right to do it).
If you really need Red Hat, you should do a clean install. Period. Upgrading from any other existing Linux install would be the same as aiming the shotgun towards your own foot...
HTH, Filipe