On 01/09/2016 01:59 PM, H wrote:
But I did not ask for a current version of Centos to support my usecase, did I?
All I can tell you is that CentOS 3.(anything) is no longer secure at all. If this machine in any way touches the internet, expect that it will be hacked. You can try to minimize the issues by only opening ports that are absolutely required, but there issues that would be rated critical if that branch was being maintained.
On top of that, java is one of the least secure packages out there, and they have critical updates all the time .. which means if that is what you want to do on this box, then it is doubly insecure.
But that is your call, not mine.
EPEL was never released for RHEL-3 / CentOS-3 (that I can find). There were not even any of these extra packages for EL3: http://centos.karan.org
If you must use a CentOS-3.x .. you should use 3.9, which is 3.8 + the updates from here:
But, I want to reiterate, it will in no way be even close to secure.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes