I am trying to set up a local repo for my division. I tried to rsync 5.1 updates off the mirrors and recieved an error of no file or dir. After going to the mirror, I notice that all of the 5.1 filder is empty and there is a readme there that states..... This directory (and version of CentOS) is depreciated. For normal users, you should use /5/ and not /5.1/ in your path. Please see this FAQ concerning the CentOS release scheme:
If you know what you are doing, and absolutely want to remain at the 5.1 level, go to http://vault.centos.org/ for packages.
So I just want to make sure that I'm understanding this correct. I should use the 5.1 original RPMS for my base OS and get my updates for 5.1 from the 5 folder???? Just sounds weird. Should I do the same for my 5.0 release? Thanks for you help.