On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 01:36 -0500, Erick Perez wrote:
Hi, just to avoid re-inventing the wheel, is there any document that can help me reduce even further a "minimum" installation of Centos 4.4 (BTW can you say 600mb is minimum)?
Yes, isn't it insane?
I usually just start with:
rpm -qa --queryformat "%{SIZE}\t%{NAME}\n" | sort -nr | less
and then start in with:
rpm -e packagename
noting what dependencies each package wants to take with it, of course.
Then, when I reach a point of diminishing returns with that, I switch strategies:
cd / du -ak | sort -nr | less
And start hacking away at any obvious offenders. This breaks package integrity, of course, but on CF, you may not care.
And then, just on general principles, because I simply detest the wretched, bloaty thing, and all its associated detritus:
find / -name "*emacs*" | sort -nr | less
And then I call RMS at 2AM to tell him how much I despise it... but I fear I'm veering off topic. ;-)