Roberto, la traduccion al email de Karl Abajo.
On 7/20/06, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
Ask him if he has a hardware RAID card : )
Tienes tarjeta RAID hardware?
If not, we can walk him through the software RAID method.
si no tendremos que ir por el metodo software
If he has a 64-bit server, he can use the x86_64 centos ISO's, and if he doesn't he will get a screen message saying "this machine does not support long mode" or something very similar. In which case he can put the 32-bit Centos ISO's on there.
Si tienes un server 64 bit, podremos instalar x86_64 de otro modo veras una pantalla diciendo "Esta maquina no soporta modo ensanchado", en cuyo caso tendremos que usar 32 bit.
Once we know if he has hardware RAID SCSI card or not, we can walk him through the disk setup, I will dig up the right FAQ for this and send it, along with my own notes...
Necesitamos saber si tienes tarjeta RAID SCSI.
saludos, Guillermo