On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 02:03:58AM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 17.11.2011 01:42, schrieb Timothy Murphy:
Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
If no smartphones gets broken and/or replaced, they could reach number of PC users (50%) in one year. Realistically it will take them 2-3 years to reach those numbers.
BUT, I have 2 phones (one of them is Android), 1 desktop PC and 1 laptop. And 95-97% of internet usage I perform on Desktop PC.
Unless maybe you are not typical ...
do you really think that the majority of users will ever use smatphones/pads? do anybody really think that the majority of users are homeusers which are only use a webbrowser and some small games?
nice, most of use will use it on the road but not as main-device!
the majority of users was and will be desktop users or will you explain anybody that you ever will use GIMP, Office and even business users which are the REAL majority take a smartphone?
yes it is nice that software can fullfil the needs of smartphones/pads but it is simply dumb to think this is the main target for the future instead a OPTION which has to be enabled instead the only main target fpr new development
Well, I'm happy with my "stupid phone". I don't especially want a pocket-sized computer (at least not one that's tightly chained inside a walled garden, whether it be Apple's, or Microsoft's, or any one else's garden). As long as it reliably makes phone calls, and doesn't require charging EVERY DAY I can be happy with it.