On Sun, 21 Jun 2009, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 21/06/09 12:09, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
This Section or Page is coming soon.
that is *not* going to give this client any warm fuzzies. from a promotion perspective, either that page should get some actual content, or the link should be dropped entirely. or something.
That page does indeed reflect the current state of play - there is *no* centos approved or recommended commercial support entity - but it *is* something that is being worked on.
i realize that page is *technically* correct, but its wording is quite discouraging:
"This Section or Page is coming soon.
"This page is a holder for Content that is not yet available for publication.
"This page will not go away when the content is available, so booking marking it will be of no value. The URL of the link you followed will be updated when the real content is published."
even if there's no support right now, you *need* to give readers the unmistakable impression that it's coming, that it's a work in progress, that you're negotiating with potential support providers ... *something*. as it is, that page can be summarized as simply admitting, "support? we got nuthin'"
i haven't yet proposed to my client that they should consider centos instead of rhel but i can *guarantee* that, the instant i do, they will be at the centos site, checking it out, and when they hit that page on commercial support, that will be the end of that discussion. guaranteed.
rday --
======================================================================== Robert P. J. Day Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.
Web page: http://crashcourse.ca Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rpjday Twitter: http://twitter.com/rpjday ========================================================================