Am Montag, 7. September 2015, 09:10:03 schrieb Ron Loftin:
Try reconfiguring your setup so that the DNSSEC files live in /var/named/data instead of /var/named. That directory should be owned by named:named already, and it stays that way after updates, at least in CentOS 5.
can you please tell me the "Variable" to set the tmp-xxxxxx Files?
I can't find the correct way :-(.
On Mon, 2015-09-07 at 14:31 +0200, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:
I have enabled for a Domain DNSSEC and it working correct, after I change the rights for /var/named to root:named 0770
but after a update it is always change back to root:named 0750
after this, DNSSEC don't work any more?
named have no right to write his secure files.
Is there a way to fix this