On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 22:00:45 +0200
"dan1" <dan1@edenpics.com> disait:
I did try to find out some information about centos-yumconf, but I
didn't find any.
I would like to know what centos-yumconf rpm is made for and what it
does(just overwrite the yum.conf file, or copy things from the
original and create a new one ?).
I dont' really understand the necessity of this package, because I
thought that the version upgrade was made through the $releasever
environment variable.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hello Dan,
Here it is what i've understood about it:
!!! it's right SINCE centos 3.3 (it's not right for a 3.1 systems
upgraded in 3.3 because of an old symbolic link ! ):
- yum RPM put a "/etc/yum.conf" , each time yum RPM is upgraded,
/etc/yum.conf is NOT replaced.
- centos-yumconf put a "/etc/centos-yum.conf" , each time centos-yumconf
RPM is upgraded, "/etc/centos-yum.conf" is *overwritten*.
the necessity of this package (i think ... ) is simply to provide the
proper clean configuration for centos ... who remain in
/etc/centos-yum.conf( which is never used by yum in *3.3* ), while
/etc/yum.conf is an exact copy of it, but this last one is used by yum.
So you never loose the original configuration while you make change into
/etc/yum.conf, in addition of that, don't worry about yum's RPM updates
which *could* be make changes to /etc/yum.conf, it *should* not: changes
are to be made (will be made) in /etc/centos-yum.conf.
He hope it's clear enough :-]