What is the trick to get Postfix's local command to pipe mail through procmail?
I have:
-bash-4.1$ grep allow_mail_to_commands /etc/postfix/main.cf allow_mail_to_commands = alias, forward
-bash-4.1$ cat .forward |/usr/bin/procmail
and a .procmailrc file:
-bash-4.1$ cat .procmailrc PATH=/usr/bsd:/bin:/usr/bin:/exp/rcf/share/bin MAILDIR=/var/lib/amanda/Mail #you'd better make sure it exists DEFAULT=$ORGMAIL #completely optional LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/from #recommended
:0 * ^From.*no-reply@sns.amazonaws.com |$HOME/retrieveArchive.tcl
:0 ! heller@deepsoft.com
Basically I want all mail to the Amanda Backup account, except messages from Amazon SNS, to be forwarded to me (the system admin). The retrieveArchive.tcl is a script to process Amazon SNS messages.