I use epel (has a lot of different stuff but generally does not have newer versions of standard packages), rpmforge (sometimes has newer stuff and may cause some conflicts) remi (up to date ocsinventory-server, php, mysql), and opennms (Sun JVM 1.5 and opennms). Normally I leave epel enabled in the yum
We use as well:
- EPEL: their missions statement is that they will NEVER update base: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#Does_EPEL_replace_packages_provided_w...
- RpmForge: but we rather tend to enable it and use includepkgs in the repo file to add the packages we are interested in (in order to get their updates)
- ElRepo: useful for drivers for a desktop install
- for all other stuff we tend to rebuild SRPMS picked-up at different places and maintain our own repositories (using createrepo to generate the metadata, and putting them on a standard httpd server, this is not a big deal).
Good sources for SRPMS are - the personal repo of Karanbir: http://centos.karan.org/ - older fedora distributions (going down from the latest to Fedora 6), sometimes requires a bit of hacking of the spec files: http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist - finally, looking in RPM search engines for the proper SRPM: like http://rpm.pbone.net/
Then there are also "specialized" repositories that may address your needs.
Some that I heard of but not really tested: - Latest PHP and Python (you may be especially interested in this one!): http://iuscommunity.org/packages/ (there was some arguments around it in the docs mailing list: http://www.mail-archive.com/centos-docs@centos.org/msg03260.html) - PostgreSQL: http://yum.pgsqlrpms.org/ - etc.