On 6/12/07, Feizhou feizhou@graffiti.net wrote:
arnuld wrote:
i have used Fedora, the base of RHEL and CentOS. Fedora is the one of the most buggy *NIX distro i have ever seen. since Fedora is the base of RHEL which is the base of CentOS, i just want to know whether CentOS is stable and reliable enough to work with. i will use CentOS primarily for developing softwares and also for watching Bruce Lee's movies ;-)
So RHEL is your fixed platform/environment?
to be *exact*, i want to have a job as "C++ and OOAD expert" specialized on UNIX or Linux platform and i was told in my posts on Linuxqestions.org and justlinuxforums.org that RHEL will look good on my resume rather than other distros because Red Hat is the biggest commercial vendor of Linux and most companies use it.i looked for RHEL alternative and found 2 to be better than others: CetnOS and Scientifc Linux. hence both will be an edge for me on my Resume as compared to, say, Gentoo/Arch or Debian.
the primary reason of using CentOS is only to get a better Resume as it i will say:
"I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS as my primary development platform"
i was also suggested Suse but you know the M$-Novell deal, can not use that.
NOTE: please do not take my email is as offense, to be true to you, Fedora just sucks :-(
Depends on what parts of it you are using imho.
that says you are an experienced man and that reply swept above my head :-(