~/.bash_profile The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
First, the ~ which might not apply to root.
Why do you think that? '~' is just shell shorthand for user's home directory.
Second, it’s a “personal” init file, which also might not pertain to root.
root is just as much a user as anyone else, albeit one with special privileges because they are UID 0.
Going from user to root (su) might not initiate a login shell. I’m not clear on this.
Are you logging in? (i.e. typing the username and password at a login prompt.) If not, then it's not a login shell.
But, .bash_profile is not loading.
I have my aliases in another file called /root/.bash_aliases, which is a duplicate of my /home/myuser/.bash_aliases which is NOW sourced in my /root/.bashrc so it now works.
So ya, got it to work, but knowing the cascade of inclusions is important. root is as important to me as my normal user.
Yes. If you are going to be playing around as root, then you really should know the consequences of what you are doing. When I started using Unix 30mumble years ago, the perceived wisdom was *always* invoke su as /bin/su, those where the days when '.' was frequently in a users path and some nasty user might leave scripts called 'su' lying around waiting for an admin to occidentally execute them. Second, invoke it as '/bin/su -', that way you clean out any user variables and only have the environment you have setup for root.