On 06/18/2010 03:02 PM, Whit Blauvelt wrote:
To be fair, RH/CentOS also ships with Sendmail-8.13.8, also from August 2006. What a golden month for mail daemons that was.
The door's wide open for someone with the energy to put together a server distro based on CentOS but with modern versions of essential daemons.
Nah. That's like killing a flea with the jackhammer. You don't often need *all* daemons to be up-to-date on any given system - and when you do, that's usually a tiny machine, like my personal mail/web server, in which case you can deal with the upgrades on a case-by-case basis.
Just "rpm -U" the 2.7 package and that's it. For a mail relay, the rest is good.