In article, John R Pierce wrote:
On 1/27/2016 12:25 AM, Traiano Welcome wrote:
I'm tempted to stick an "ntpdate -u ..." in the crontab to force time-synch, but I don't see why that's needed if ntpd service should already be fulfilling that purpose.
ntpd won't make drastic changes in the time, if its too far off. its designed to stabilize the clock by making small changes in speeding it up or slowing it down, and not 'staircase' setting it absolutely.
IMHO, ntpdate -u should be run before starting ntpd so the clock is close to spot on up front, I have sometimes added this to the /etc/init.d/ntp scripts.
You don't need to do that. If you have one or more ntp servers listed in /etc/ntp/step-tickers, the startup scripts will do it for you automatically. In C5 the ntpd script does it. In C6 you have to do "chkconfig ntpdate on" too, as it is separate from the ntpd script. In C7 i have no idea :-)
Cheers Tony