Le Tue, 31 Jul 2007 05:17:08 -0500 Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org écrivait:
Martin Hamant wrote:
Hi !
Not very blocking because the smp module loads perfectly.
OK ... there was a problem with some of the drbd modules (all except the smp ones). This problem is now fixed and the changes are syncing to the mirrors.
The new version is: kmod-drbd-0.7.24-2.<kernel-version>.
The old (broken) ones have been removed.
Yes ! Thank you :)
(PS: I think something really needs to be done with the --exclude / plus issue)
OK ... For the drbd-kmod*.plus kernels, they are now in the CentOSPlus directory / Repository. If you are using CentOSPlus kernel, you need to also get your module for DRBD (or XFS) from there too.
If you are using the Base Kernel (non-Plus one) then you would get your DRBD Modules (or XFS modules) from extras.
This should prevent the exclude requirement to get non-Plus kernel modules.
SO ... if you need a module for the base kernel, it is in extras ... if you need a module for the centosplus kernel, it is in centosplus.
Sounds great.
The last problem is if "plus" and "extras" repos are both activated: it occurs for centosbase/centosplus kernels the same way as for kmod-drbd... because last version is determined by the text pattern :(
The centosplus repo should be activated with care...
About updating drbd modules, what is the current behavior when you issue a "yum update" ? Is the new kmod-drbd is install automatically (like kernels are) ? With the precedent package you'll had to install the new one manually if you didn't want to get stuck with a new fresh default kernel without any drbd support ^^
I'm asking this because it becomes complicated between servers which have drbd modules installed, and others. "yum update" on a drbd-ready machine should not be rebooted after an kernel upgrade as long as the corresponding kmod has not been released (ie: editing grub.conf to change default entry for a while in case of a unexpected reboot).
I don't know how it's possible to improve this, maybe a yum plugin which could detect any drbd modules and if it's matches with any installed kernels... what do you think ?
Thanks to you :)